Monday, February 15, 2021 7:23am
Feelings are meant to be felt and let them pass.
They are not reliable for decision-making processes, especially important life decisions.
Intuition is the only reliable source for making life decisions.
Intuition can be supported by logical facts.
The brain, source of logic and feelings, is not reliable for decision making, because it cannot understand everything.
The brain is limited to erudition. The level of data determines its level of interpretation of situations.
Limited data, like a cheating partner who deceives and hides efficiently, can easily deceive the brain into stupid life decisions that lead to pain and heartbreak.
Intuition is not dependent on erudition or earthly data. Its source is connected to the Primordial Divine Power and so intuition ‘knows' all.
The era of falling in love based on feelings is over. Fall in love based on your intuition, and maybe support with logic, feelings are for feeling not making life decisions!