15:15 17/07/2020
From my current experience I have learnt a lot about patience.
From relationships to trading spot forex.
The one key thing that kills all forex traders is an emotion and that emotion is the fear of missing out(FOMO).
The reason 99% of failed traders failed is because of this single emotion.
It means you see an opportunity, but according to signals the opportunity has long gone as you’ve seen it late, yet you want a piece of that opportunity and you HOPE (wish, Desire, pray because you’ve been a good person and deserve to be rewarded) that the opportunity continues. But over and over again just as you enter in that direction, the market turns against you, YOU LOSE!
When you lose, in other to make back your losses, you trade in this new direction, some may even double their sizes to quicken the gains to overcome the loss made. But just as you enter in this new direction, with double trade size, YOU LOSE DOUBLE, TRIPLING YOUR LOSSES.
A 'lucky' trader will stop here for the week. An 'unlucky' trader will continue until he wipes out his/her account. This is the trait of losing traders, afraid of missing the 'Big moves' they enter late and the market teaches them that ' YOU ARE SUBSERVIENT TO THE MARKET' AND NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.(there is no luck, you make your luck through practice, dedication and decision making.)
The market IS the market. It doesn’t fold to your needs, hopes, calculations, desires, wishes, dreams or debts. It moves when and how it wants. It is your duty to follow, bend and obey the direction of the market.
First you must learn the laws of the market and then you must practice obeying those laws unmistakably, only then can you invest and make compound marginal gains over the years and NOT OVERNIGHT!
This is the LAW OF CREATION !
People have not realized that if it requires study, dedication and practice to achieve anything in life, that the same principles apply to LIFE ITSELF WHICH EMBODIES ALL OTHER PRACTICES!
How can you not realize that to live on earth, you need to study the laws that govern it, respect those laws as you are SUBSERVIENT to the LAWS OF CREATION (LIFE/EARTH/UNIVERSE) NOT HUMAN CREATED LAWS, THE LAWS THAT GOVERN ALL THINGS FROM WEATHER, DISEASE, EARTH’S ROTATION, BIRTH AND DEATH, FARMING ,ETC. and practice obedience to those laws and only then can you get compound marginal rewards from life over the years NOT OVERNIGHT!
One of those laws is this, you cannot plant a seed and get a fruit overnight! The law of sowing and reaping! Patience!
Also, what you sow, you MUST reap!
You plant a seed, (seek knowledge of how it works, be it creation, forex, relationship, school, job, work, passion, or evil).
You water the seed over a period and give it light(constant practice), you tend to it and get rid of weeds (focus & dedication).
And over a period (patience) you get the fruit (happiness, evil, love, wealth, career etc.).
This is the key to achieving anything in creation. ANYTHING!
You put in the work, with patience and not emotional ambitious expectations, you will get the desired fruit.
In relationship, when you know someone does not love you, but you love the person and you are emotionally dependent on the person, you tend to always go and apologize even when not wrong because you are afraid on missing out of that person. Fear of missing out.
Because of this fear of being alone, or whatever other fear, you endure abusive, unloving relationships.
What you do not know is that there are 7 billion humans on earth and there is that definitely 100, 000 people who are like you and will love you without you begging or enduring abuses of any kind.
You have to study yourself and make sure you yourself are good enough for the next person. Put in the work to be a better human and wait patiently.
Don’t yield to societal pressure, peer pressure, office pressure, parents pressure or political pressure, your life is your responsibility not anyone else’s.
It is better to wait 100 years to eat a good fruit than to rush and eat poisonous fruit!